HR Advocate Joan Canning, MBA, HIA, spoke about the Affordable Care Act’s impact on businesses at a recent Health Care Reform Seminar at the Perrysburg Hilton. The July 30 event was sponsored by Savage & Associates, a Toledo financial services
Health care mandate tramples religious liberty
With the enactment of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate for “free” contraception coverage, religious liberty — the inherent natural right of every individual — has been trampled. Read more in the Toledo Free Press HR
Calculate chance of Obamacare compliance near 0
Employers and employees have undoubtedly entered confusing and uncertain times regarding their health care security. If you can understand that your chances of compliance are closer to a nice round, easy-to-understand number like zero, then you’re closer to understanding
What about ObamaCare? Common questions from employers
Employers have plenty of questions about provisions of ObamaCare (yes, I want it to be called that instead of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [PPACA]). Many employers want to know what is required of them in the next several
What’s new for 2012 in the Affordable Care Act?
HR Advocate Joan Canning tells employers what’s new with the Affordable Care Act of 2012 including details on women’s preventative health care with no cost-sharing and the W-2 requirement that is applicable to companies with more than 250 employees. The