HR Advocate Joan Canning, MBA, HIA, spoke about the Affordable Care Act’s impact on businesses at a recent Health Care Reform Seminar at the Perrysburg Hilton. The July 30 event was sponsored by Savage & Associates, a Toledo financial services
Health care mandate tramples religious liberty
With the enactment of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) mandate for “free” contraception coverage, religious liberty — the inherent natural right of every individual — has been trampled. Read more in the Toledo Free Press HR
Calculate chance of Obamacare compliance near 0
Employers and employees have undoubtedly entered confusing and uncertain times regarding their health care security. If you can understand that your chances of compliance are closer to a nice round, easy-to-understand number like zero, then you’re closer to understanding
What about ObamaCare? Common questions from employers
Employers have plenty of questions about provisions of ObamaCare (yes, I want it to be called that instead of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [PPACA]). Many employers want to know what is required of them in the next several