HR Case StudiesPositive Practices: HR Case Study Series

Positive Practices presents HR case studies that provide documented solutions for HR issues that occur in the workplace. HR Advocate’s series will begin with a workplace scenario to manage, examines regulations to navigate and finally delivering a human resources solution.

11.13.2012 Job Descriptions are Critical to the Accommodation Process for Disabled Employees
9.22.2012 Dealing with an Employee Who is Responsible for a Disabled Family Member


The Verdict: HR Legal Case StudiesThe Verdict: HR Legal Case Study Series

The Verdict is a series that presents HR case studies that resulted in legal action in regards to HR policy issues that occur in the workplace. HR Advocate details the case outline and outcome that resulted.

 8.24.2012  Women Claims She Was Fired For Being White
 4.30.2012 Sexual Harassment Teachable Moment – Don’t Retaliate Against Complainants
3.24.2012 HR case study on elements of a prima facie case
2.14.2012 HR case study on performance standards